Kristoff V:TES Decks

"The discipline deckbuilders need is the will to play with spartan amounts of master cards." - Jay Kristoff

51 recent decks by Jay Kristoff
The Patty Melt
The Gangrel Own You
meat brings fertility
Eternal Sutekh
Patient Osebo
City Gangrel Phantom Punch
Tap the Rockies
Crazy Khazar
Adventures in Cup
Black Hand tap and bleed
Not that Innocent
TW version of Brujah Home Invasion
Salubri Antitribu challenge
Brujah home invasion
Princes at Dawn
Brujah-Antitribu Recycler
Nos-anti POT/obf
Team Laibon
These Helicopters aren't cheap
The League of Women Voters
3-4 ANI/pro combat (needs a better name)
No Secrets from Tsunda
sabbatspex 2005
The Chameleon
Sorrow's Bombs
Tremere Anarchs Revolt
Legacy of Pander
Set's Groupies
A Helping Hand
The Multi-taskamites
Miller teaches Bahari
Nosferatu Antitribu BLOCK!
Vote Nos 2004
Beefcake Blocks!
Muaziz's Emancipation Proclamation
Toreador Princes with Guns
Flaya' Hatin' (don't hate the game, hate the Flaya')
Meshenka's Horrid Form
A&A block party
A.Kindred; International Security Guards
Can I wear this jacket?
Frederick is NOT Weak!
Homework 1.0
Matthias goes to Skully's
Meshenka and Friends
Mirembe Rides Again
Origins 2002 1st Tournament Winner
Origins 2002 2nd Tournament Winner
Jay's Weenie Auspex

3 tournament winning decks by Will Kristoff
Honor the Elders

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