Deck Name:A&A block party
Created By:Jay Kristoff
Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 32, Max: 40, Avg: 9.00)
6  Anneke  AUS CEL dom PRE  10, Toreador, Justicar
6  Anson   aus CEL dom PRE  8,  Toreador, Prince
Library: (90 cards)
Master (26 cards)
1  Art Museum
1  Direct Intervention
4  Dominate
1  Fear of Mekhet
1  Fragment of the Book of Nod
2  Golconda: Inner Peace
1  Information Highway
1  Powerbase: Montreal
3  Smiling Jack, The Anarch
1  Storage Annex
3  Sudden Reversal
1  Temptation of Greater Power
4  Tomb of Rameses III
2  Toreador Grand Ball
Action (2 cards)
1  Judgment: Camarilla Segregation
1  Revelations
Political Action (3 cards)
1  Anarchist Uprising
1  Ancilla Empowerment
1  Kindred Restructure
Reaction (59 cards)
7  Enhanced Senses
4  My Enemy's Enemy
23 Obedience
3  Redirection
19 Second Tradition: Domain, The
3  Telepathic Counter
This file was last saved at 11:24:02 PM on 4/3/2003