Here is the Black Hand tap and bleed deck I played at the Origins Qualifier: Katherine Stoddard Mosfair Wah Chun-Yuen Ermenegildo, The Rake 2x Banjoko Sennadurek Selena Phillipe Rigaud Blackhorse Tanner Henri Lavenant Yazid Tamari 4x Blood Doll 2x Effective Management Police Department Pentex Subversion 2x Remover Watchtower: Four Ride Forth Weeping Stone 6x Govern the Unaligned 6x Reunion Kamut 2x Tattoo Signal Black Hand Ritual 4x Conditioning 4x Foreshadowing Destruction 4x Seduction Suppressing Fire 2x Change of Target 4x Concealed Weapon 4x .44 Magnum Palatial Estate 2x On the Qui Vive 2x Wake with Evening's Freshness 4x Deflection Delaying Tactics (I think that adds up to 60) ------------------------------- The deck was created with my lingering feelings that tap and bleed is much better than stealth bleed. My weenie PRE bleed deck was successful because of the large amount of Mind Numb I included. Often, my prey would have the Deflections he wanted against my PRE bleed deck, but no untapped vamps to play them following my Mind Numbs. The perma-tap Remover, plus perma-untap my guys with Tattoo Signal and Four Ride Forth is super good. As cool as having a no stealth, bleed deck is; the final round of the qualifier showed me that this deck needs a little stealth. I plan to revise it by leaning the crypt more toward the three Lasombra vamps, and adding perma-stealth with Elysian Fields and Zaire River Ferry. That way I'm not completely hosed by my prey leaving three of his twenty vamps untapped. "A vampire or a victim, it depends on who’s around" U2-Stay (Faraway, So Close!) Jay Kristoff